This records the daily reflections and experiences of UK charity CEO Philip Holmes, who returned from 8 years of living and working in Nepal in July 2012. He is currently the CEO of UK registered charity ChoraChori (the Nepali word for children) and can be reached on

Wednesday, 9 April 2008
Tuesday is the best day of the week in this part of Kathmandu. The reason for this is that during the dry season we endure 40 hours of scheduled power cuts (load shedding) per week but on Tuesdays we are given some relief with electricity all day. The simple pleasures that one takes for granted elsewhere can really be enjoyed on a Tuesday - including watching television, feeble as the available channels may be. As the monsoon season approaches next month there is the prospect of the reservoirs being replenished and the annual lifting of the restrictions. This may even come a little sooner than normal as we have been having a great deal of unseasonal rain over the past week or two. Habula, our elderly domestic security guard, attributes this latest reflection of climate change to the Nepali people having been "bad". I expect he's probably right.