Martin and Annie enjoy good company very much but they are certainly not self indulgent, and are putting something back to society through their building of a private school for village children within a stone's throw of their home at Garatpur Baas. This will be no ordinary run of the mill Indian school that achieves results of a sort through
rote learning underpinned with liberal use of the cane. Their vision is to truly educate the children, who will be the community leaders of tomorrow through positive, imaginative instruction by motivated teachers.
The school is being supported by their locally-registered trust, The Baas Educational Trust (BETS), which receives donations in turn (mainly from Tikli Bo
ttom visitors) channelled tax efficiently through The Esther Benjamins Trust. The project has all the essential ingredients to merit my Trust's modest support - a person with vision and commitment on the ground and tangible, quality outcomes for children.
I hope the children are taught the use of straightforward English. On the flight home with Jet Airways I heard the announcement "Due to the non-availability of landing ca
rds we will not be issuing the same".