A very distinctive and attractive feature of the Kathmandu skyline is the Dharara tower in the district of Sundhara. I have a lovely view of it from my office window and I photog

raphed it this morning from here looking resplendent in the Spring sunshine. Fashioned in a Mughal style it is much newer than it might look. It was originally built by a Nepalese Prime Minister back in 1825, perhaps as a symbol to any visitor, friendly or unfriendly, of the nation's wealth or power. However Mother Nature had something to say about that and it took a tumble in the great earthquake of 1934 having to be rebuilt from the two storey stump that remained.
Not far from the base of the tower lies the Sundhara Bakery Cafe, a branch of Nanglos. Inside the cafe you can find not only a rather nice plaque explaining the history of the tower (right) but enjoy one of the best smoothies in town. As per some of the other bakery cafes it emp

loys disabled staff members who would not find employment anywhere else. The reason for my visit last Thursday was to investigate the possibility of mosaicing a wall at the cafe at the invitation of Nanglos, with the mosaics to be made by our deaf school leavers in Bhairahawa. It is going to be a massive undertaking but a challenge that everyone can rise to, not only artistically but also in finding the funds to complete the task. I look forward to filming progress by stages later on in the year.