This records the daily reflections and experiences of UK charity CEO Philip Holmes, who returned from 8 years of living and working in Nepal in July 2012. He is currently the CEO of UK registered charity ChoraChori (the Nepali word for children) and can be reached on

Wednesday, 19 March 2008
Some of my best friends are former Gurkhas
And fine, honest chaps they are too. However these are not universal traits amongst Gurkha ex-servicemen. I read in today's UK Daily Telegraph that there have just been Gurkha pensioner protests in London. One chap, Dewan Gurung, says that his pension of £131 per month is "not enough to live on in Nepal, let alone in Britain." Aside from the fact that he should consider himself very fortunate to live in one of the World's finest nations (streaks ahead of his home country - that's why he's there) £131 per month is a king's ransom in Nepal. Many in the UK who should know better are taken in by such lies. Following the symbolic return of 50 former Gurkhas' campaign medals, Liberal Democrat leader Nick Clegg (who is championing their cause) waved one in parliament declaring "Do you know what it means for a loyal British soldier to give up a medal that he won for his long years' of service to this country?" I spent 17 years in the British Army and I'd return my Northern Ireland service medal tomorrow if I could think of a good reason to do so. It's only a bit of metal that lies in a drawer (somewhere) unlike those memories of fantastic times in uniformed service that will be with me always.