My pessimism of the last blog was unfounded. The team successfully rescued five girls from the Amar Circus yesterday. Add to this the nine who where brought back by the the circus management themselves and two others who were picked up from the circus by their parents and that makes a total of 16 girls who are now free. Unfortunately five girls chose to stay at the circus for whatever reason (sometimes they enter relationships with the circus management, sometimes it's fear of the unknown). But we'll try to get to them at a later date.
Interestingly there's a child trafficking agent behind bars at the moment pending trial who we provided evidence against some time ago. The team have managed to lay their hands on a letter written by him to the Amar Circus saying that under no circumstances should they release the girls who are now free otherwise he's in big trouble. Hopefully this evidence will provide a final nail for his coffin and he'll get a 20 year sentence like other agents that we've acted against.
Interestingly there's a child trafficking agent behind bars at the moment pending trial who we provided evidence against some time ago. The team have managed to lay their hands on a letter written by him to the Amar Circus saying that under no circumstances should they release the girls who are now free otherwise he's in big trouble. Hopefully this evidence will provide a final nail for his coffin and he'll get a 20 year sentence like other agents that we've acted against.

This afternoon I fitted a mosaic of a butterfly in the home of a Nepalese lady in Kathmandu. This was made by Manju and cost the lady 20,000 rupees (about £150). It looks smashing and this is a significant first milestone in our local fundraising effort in Nepal. I am convinced that a great deal can be raised, especially through the sale of mosaics to individuals at the wealthier end of the Nepalese social spectrum.