A circus often has advance knowledge of visits because during the preliminary liaison with villagers, someone, somewhere can deliver a tip off. That might mean a reward from a grateful circus. We know that they know because a circus manager has cunningly brought eight girls back to their village in an attempt to take the wind out of the team's sails. It could be that these girls have passed their "shelf life" as performers in any case. He's in for a shock though as we've decided to hold onto the Manager until all the girls are freed. That gives us some insurance, also for the safety of the team. From time to time one has to break the rules. But then again these guys have been holding and abusing girls for a very long time against their wishes and we want to do our utmost to get them back. And given that there is no law against kidnapping in Nepal then arguably we're not breaking the rules in any case. More to follow on this mission as it develops.

Manju finished her mosaic commission today of the Evangelists, Saints Matthew, Mark, Luke and John as depicted in the Book of Kells. It's a super subject that we've used a couple of times now; the colours and lines are strong and the spirituality of the work shines through. Sometimes it takes the seeds of inspiration centuries to germinate and those monks on Iona over a thousand years ago could never have imagined how their skill and devotion would have continued to move people in a far off land today.
Anyway, I hope my great friend Revd Willie McNaughton in Kirkcaldy, Fife, who commissioned the piece is pleased with the outcome. I find it hard to think of a better way to spend a couple of hundred pounds. At least not in Kirkcaldy.