A couple of days ago I found a very exotic Nepalese moth fluttering on the ground outside the house. I think my dog Maisie might have got there first judging by the wing defect (see picture), but I rescued it and after it obligingly posed for a photo I released it into the wild again. I set one of my ex-circus mosaic artists, Suntali, onto the task of reconstructing the moth in mosaic. Progress report to follow (and thanks to supporter Lyn Shailer for commissioning the piece - that's a £50 donation to the charity, £5 of which goes to the girl). The remainder goes into our circus rescue programme.

On that subject, our circus rescue team is en route to India again this Friday. There had been a hold up because of a transport strike that was paralaysing the south of Nepal. The team will be joined by 12 parents and will tackle a very difficult circus where there's currently up to 30 Nepalese girls held in bondage.