It's not an Olympic athlete like my namesake Dame Kelly Holmes. It's Trust supporter Cliff Simm, pictured right at our Kathmandu refuge on a visit to our Kathmandu refuge l

ast month. Cliff runs every day and races once a week, with a 10km running time of 56 minutes. That's two minutes faster than my run in Hong Kong. The thing is, Cliff is 78 and an inspiration to all of us. I am sure I'll beat his time at my next 10km event in London on the 25th May. I am training hard and shedding weight rapidly. The first five days of my fat-burning diet this week led to a loss of 2.3 kg which I won't miss.
A greatly overused word in Nepal is "hearty". You see it a lot in banners bidding visitors "hearty welcome" or in newspaper ads that say "hearty congratulations" on a certain individual's achievement. It conjures up quaint images of bonhomie and back-slapping. It didn't work in one newspaper ad that I saw this week where a family was offered "hearty condolence" on the loss of a loved one. Perhaps they meant heartfelt.