Since March this year we have been training deaf school leavers in Bhairahawa, southwest

Nepal, in mosaic art techniques. This initiative was profiled in an article,
"Silent Beauty", in the Nepali Times of 21st March. The trainees have been learning the basics in advance of our major mosaic project at a cafe in Sundhara, Kathmandu. The link is that this is one of the
Nanglos "bakery cafe" chain that is distinctive in its favouring the employment of deaf and other disabled staff. The plan is to place a large mosaic in each of ten wall panels that surround the open air atrium that serves as the cafe's dining and function area.
Rebecca Hawkins, who earlier this year was a volunteer art tutor

at our workshops for child trafficking survivors, is designing the artwork, using as a theme the wildlife of the Terai (the southern strip of Nepal). This morning she sent me her design for the first of the panels (see right). She'll now have an input from my friend British professional mosaic artist
Jo Letchford and then the young deaf artists can get started on those tiles. The project will be part funded by the cafe and by two schools,
Sha Tin College in Hong Kong and
Kingston Grammar in the UK.
Rebecca (wearing black) is shown in the video below measuring up the panels at the cafe, assisted by Esther Benjamins Trust staff member, Camilla Kinchin, who is coordinating the project.
I hope this will be the first of many such projects in Nepal that will raise the profile of disabled and other stigmatised groups within society.