As per my previous post I went down to the refuge this afternoon to meet the local area commander of the Maoists. He was a very pleasant chap indeed. His eyes were on stalks when we showed him our full length circus rescue film and when I took him to see the art workshop next door. It is very obvious how expensive our operation is and how much we are achieving. So I don't imagine we'll have any more problems from that quarter. Interestingly, before he left he told me that he had left home (in the southeast of Nepal) and family to pursue a vision for a better country and he could see the parallel with my choice to be here. So not all the Maoists at the grass roots are necessarily "bad" people - it's just their leadership that is lacking in, er, leadership.

I returned to the studio this afternoon to find Susma working on a mosaic of the world's worst football team's logo for a supporter in UK. Pictured right.
And I was delighted to receive a Christmas poem in my e mail today. A year ago I went on a research visit to Uttar Pradesh, north India, where I met a guy who clearly felt there was potential to secure some funds off the Trust for his local project (there wasn't and still isn't). He has since sent me a couple of tentative e mails to try and arouse my interest but now this:
My heart is warm, My heart Strong with faith in you. But I wish you came with songs to cheer My lonely Christmas blue. Merry Christmas, Merry Christmas, Merry Christmas to you.Nice....