Saturday 10 November 2007

A short film from Bhairahawa

Last evening there were a series of power cuts as a result of the feeble local grid collapsing under the overload of the system by people illuminating their houses for Laxmi. Even if Laxmi, the goddess of wealth, were to be enticed into people's homes and lives it seems that the local power supply's failings could undermine any attempt at their attaining the desired prosperity. The power cuts also prevented me from uploading a video I took yesterday of the children rehearsing a dance. Here it is:

The boy who is dancing, Akash, is one of two brothers that we found outside Tansen jail away back in October 2000. They were sleeping rough and getting food through the bars from their imprisoned mother. Akash is now a tremendous all-rounder, great academically, at sport and also at dance!